Professional Temptress to the C-Suite with a playful streak!
The ideal girlfriend for the corporate business traveler who demands the very best to spend a few hours of leisure after necessities of work.
And even more so, for Gentlemen & couples who haven't been able to find someone as selective, refined, playful and intelligent as they are, and as they require in a real woman able to satisfy emotional, intellectual and sexual desires.
As a high-end, mature escort and muse, my interest level is assured at all times, and if asked, I adore adding the spice of the most glorious strap-on ride that so many enjoy!
Don't be shy about exploring your inner self.
Stop daydreaming - get in touch now!
Aliai (pronounced a-lee-a-ee)
My web site SULTRYITALY.COM is where you can request a date with me. Initial contact is via my encrypted Protonmail account.
To help expedite the booking, I structured my fees and charges €$£ to entertain you. Thank you.
Personal details