Si has decidido que tu día transcurrirá sin estrés y que te sucederá algo encantador e inolvidable, has llegado al perfil adecuado.
¡Hola mis amantes!
Mi nombre es Alessia ?, una persona amable y simpática, con un gran sentido del humor, siempre dispuesta a dar y recibir la mejor experiencia con una chica! Soy una chica 100% INDEPENDIENTE y mis fotos son tomadas recientemente!
Puedo ser tu sueño más dulce o tu fantasía más salvaje, ¡te sentirás hipnotizado por mis hermosos ojos y acariciado por mis suaves labios!
¿Te encanta pasar tiempo con caballeros encantadores y educados?
Me gusta vestirme con ropa interior sexy y seductora, ¡siempre tengo la piel fresca, suave y huelo bien!
If you have decided that your day will pass without stress and that something enchanting and unforgettable will happen to you, you have come to the right profile.
Hello my lovers!
My name is Alessia ?, a friendly and nice person, with a great sense of humor, always ready to give and receive the best experience with a girl! I am a 100% INDEPENDENT girl and my pictures are recently taken!
I can be your sweetest dream or your wildest fantasy, you will feel mesmerized by my beautiful eyes and caressed by my soft lips!
Love spending time with charming and well-mannered gentlemen?
I like to dress in sexy and seductive underwear, I always have fresh, soft skin and smell nice!
my service includes the entire service, as I mentioned, anal, kisses, etc. In many cases, everything is paid extra. In my case, the price is correct and fixed without extras. and of course no one had a bad time 😘I am Belgian/Slovenian and I have an hourglass body and an attractive appearance. I love fashion and fitness. I am someone who likes to have a good time, not something classic without being memorable. I am 24 years old and 50 kg. I am 167 cm tall. I have fragrant and beautiful well-groomed skin and feet. I like t
Personal details
2'7" - 2'0" - 2'7"
English speaking
Meeting with men