Contact for meet me…..
- Line : nanny_n2332
- Wechat : immary11
- Whatsapp : +666three8two9five6two3
Available for amazing service. Hello every one. My name is gigie. I’m is a young, busty, and highly skilled VIP. I has very fair and soft skin and sexy body. I has a true natural gift when it comes to pleasuring men with my sweet beautifull ass. I’m offers everything from a true Girlfriend Experience (GFE) being sweet and ever so cute all the way to offering a Full Hard Core Porn Star Experience (PSE) that makes any with excitement. So can’t wait to see you guy. Take care
If you like to meet me connected me
Hope to hear from you guy soon
Thank you so much 😊🤩
Personal details
2'10" - 2'1" - 3'0"
English speaking
Meeting with a man
Pop, hip hop
Wine, cocktails